Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who wants to workout in the blizzard?

I completed my workouts despite the weather today.  Who says just because it is 14 degrees outside with 40 mph wind gusts and lots of snow means you can't get in a great workout or two or three?!?!?!  I'll admit...I went to the dreadmill for the run and the trainer for the ride.  Even I am not crazy enough to venture out on a day like today for an outdoor run or ride. 

The run consisted of 50 minutes of interval training.  This made the time go by faster since I was constantly increasing and decreasing my speed based on what the workout was.  Overall, it was a great workout!!

I got home from the run and hopped on the bike for about 45 minutes.  Just long enough to spin the demons out of my legs, which appeared during the high intensity run :)

Workout number three???  You guessed it...shoveling.  Someone had to go out and shovel enough space for my husband's car to fit in the driveway.  After all the snowing and blowing, there were waist high drifts in the driveway.  What can we expect when we live in Iowa in February?

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