Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How STRONG are you?

When I think of Ironman, I think of "strong."  Not only is iron a strong metal, but you must be mentally and physically strong to get to the start line and cross the finish line.  "Strong" doesn't have to mean fast or powerful.  My definition of "strong" is solid; not easily thrown off balance.  This is very important since so many different factors can affect race day.  There are the things we can control...nutrition, pacing, attire, being prepared to change a flat tire, proper training, adequate sleep.  And the things we can't, water temperature, course terrain.

I have a new mantra to get me through some workouts and thus, get me that much closer to the starting line of IM Moo.  "Think strong, be strong, finish strong," got me through my 8 hill repeats yesterday and my swim workout today.  I know it will get me through many more workouts as I go throughout training.  It is also something that can be reiterated during race day when times get tough.  I have to mentally get more "solid" and not let things throw off my balance.  I am hoping that by starting to focus on mental preparation this early in IM training will be a huge asset come race day.

Think Strong, Be Strong, Finish Strong!!

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